For your Google Docs assignment, you will need to research the Louisiana Purchase and the Lewis and Clark Expedition. This part of the project will give you a good overview of both of these events and will prepare you for the Google Maps part of the project.
Please answer all of the questions below using a Google Docs Document. You can use the Lewis and Clark Links found at the top of the page and the Lewis and Clark Video above. If you use the video, please be considerate of others around you. You must share your document with Mr. Seebach, rseebach@schools.nyc.gov, Ms. Cardazone, tcardaz@schools.nyc.gov and Mr. Hutton, jhutton2@schools.nyc.gov.
Please answer all of the questions below using a Google Docs Document. You can use the Lewis and Clark Links found at the top of the page and the Lewis and Clark Video above. If you use the video, please be considerate of others around you. You must share your document with Mr. Seebach, rseebach@schools.nyc.gov, Ms. Cardazone, tcardaz@schools.nyc.gov and Mr. Hutton, jhutton2@schools.nyc.gov.
- Who bought the Louisiana Territory? Why did he buy it?
- Who lead France and sold the Louisiana Territory? Why did he sell the land?
- How much was the Louisiana Territory sold for?
- Why did Jefferson order an expedition to explore the land purchased from France?
- Who did he assign to lead the expedition?
- Who did they meet along their journey? How did the people they met influence their journey?
- Where did they stay during the winter of 1804-1805? What happened there?
- Who translated, guided and went along with the Expedition?
- Who was the Corps of Discovery?
- What were some of the ways the expedition moved from one area to another?
- Where did they stay during the winter of 1805-1806? What happened there?
- In total, how many miles did the expedition travel? How long did it take them?
- Why was the expedition such an important event in American History?
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