Mar 26, 2009

Creating Google Accounts

For this project, you will need to have a Google Account in order to access Google Docs and Google Maps. If you already have a Google or Gmail account, you do not need to create another one, you can just sign in.

Before you create a Google account, you need to have an active email address
  • Go to and sign in
  • Your User Name is your 1st initial of your first name and your last name (jhutton)
  • Your password is welcome1
  • You will then have to create a NEW password
  • Click on Finish

To create the account, go to, then click on "Get Started"

  • Type in your eChalk email address. This should be the 1st initial of your First name and your whole last name (eg. jhutton, rseebach) + (

  • Create a password that you will remember. You should WRITE DOWN YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS and PASSWORD in your planner.

  • Type in the Word Verification

  • Click on "I accept, Create my account"

  • You might have to do this a few times because of the word verification, but keep trying!

1 comment:

  1. I learned that water was a very important part of the world but mainly for the ecomomy. Trading and ecsaping were procedures that have to do with the water and lewis and clark were smart to try and expand the us...... oh yeah hey mr seebach
